Questions And Answers


What is the purpose for which the Centre was established?


The Centre was established to provide a common platform for masjid (mosques) and mosque administrators in Ghana to be on a single platform and to foster co-operation among same in restoring the previous status and former glory of the mosque, which included not only its social, spiritual and pragmatic functions, but also served as an economic empowerment centre that contributes to the economic development of the society.


Who are the Managers/Administrators of the Centre?


The Center was established by the office of the Chief Imam of Madina West and Its Environs in collaboration with the Management Committee of Al-wa’ayul Islamie Mosque (Madina Zongo Central Mosque). The Center is co-managed by the Chief Imam and the Management Committee of Al-wa’ayul Islamie Mosque (Madina Zongo Central Mosque).


Where is the Centre’s office?


The Centre’s office is located in the same building as Al-Wa’ayul Islamie Mosque (Madina Zongo Central Mosque) which is also popularly known as Mallam Yunus Mosque, Madina Zongo, Accra Ghana.


Which mosque qualifies to join the platform?


Any mosque from anywhere in Ghana which believes in the vision and mission of the centre can join.


How can a mosque join?


Any mosque, having held a general meeting by the membership, would have to send an application letter jointly signed by the Imam and Chairman of the management committee of the mosque expressing interest to join. The centre would hold a meeting with the mosque in question to explain the terms and conditions. Once an agreement is reached, the mosque would then be enrolled on to the platform.


Does the centre admit only mosques led by a particular Islamic sect?


The Centre seeks the common interest of all Muslims in Ghana regardless of sect. It therefore even though, was established and is managed by Ahlu Sunna Adherents, its doors are open to all mosques regardless of who leads a particular mosque.


What is Zakat?


Zakat is the payment of a specific part of one’s wealth that has reached a specific threshold and has existed for one year to be given to specified categories of persons and activities. Mineral Deposits, farm Produce and animal possessions have their ways of calculating zakat on them.


What is the purpose of Zakat?


The purpose of Zakat is ultimately to increase faith and devotion to Allah (God). It also acts as a social safety net for those in need and a means to uplift the entire community and help Muslims and Islam thrive. Zakat is a pillar of Islam and as such it works together with the other four pillars as a way of upholding and strengthening the religion. By giving Zakat Muslims cleanse their own wealth. Zakat helps to keep the economy flowing by freeing people from burden and giving them the chance to reach their potential.
Zakat, when it works properly, should have a long-term impact for the state of the whole Muslim community.


Who qualifies to receive Zakat?


The Qur’an tells us eight groups of people who should be given Zakat: “Indeed, Zakat expenditures are only for:

  • the poor
  • the needy
  • those who are employed to collect zakat, and attract the hearts of those who have been inclined to Islam
  • to [free] those in bondage
  • for those in debt
  • for the cause of God, and
  • for the stranded traveler. This is an obligation from God. God is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” (Qur’an, Chapter 9, Verse 60)


What is Waqf?


WAQF is a sustainable, ongoing charitable endowment (such as Sadaqah Jariyah). In Islamic terms, it is a religious endowment. This voluntary action is an ongoing dedication of one’s wealth to benefit a community. An example of this would be to build a hospital or a school. A person can’t own a Waqf donation and it isn’t something that can be sold. The benefits of this donation continues through generations. Waqf Funds s are invested in sharia compliant investments and the profits are then used to support community development work, as well as a re-invested, to ensure it keeps growing, year-on-year. The investments must be for the benefit of the public. Waqf can be used for a range of purposes for the benefit of a community, including: Learning institutes – schools and universities; Plots of land: Mosques; Companies/Businesses; Hospitals – including doctors’ salaries, medicine, equipment and repairs; Medical schools – including building maintenance and salaries.

  • Does the Centre have Waqf fund?

The Centre, in collaboration with the Office of Madina West Chief Imam, Council of Ulama (Madina West), and Conference of Imams of Madina West, has instituted a Waqf fund for the Ghanaian Muslim Ummah. The purpose is to sustainable funding for the socio-economic development of of the Ummah.


Who is the Administrator of the fund?


The fund is administered by a sole administrator with support from the centre’s Management Committee.


Who can register to contribute monthly to the Waqf fund?


Any Muslim in Ghana or abroad can register individually and contribute. Alternatively, a mosque anywhere in Ghana can also decide to join the platform and subsequently register all its membership to contribute to the fund.


What are the modes of Payments? 


We accept payment via Mobile money, Cash, direct bank deposit, and Master/Visa Cards for both Waqf, Zakat, and Fisibilillah.The Fund  has deployed a short code(*790*40#) that allows members a one-time registration on all networks.Pledge donations are subsequently and  automatically deducted on a recurring basis.


How does one track all his/her donations?


Individual members/mosques can log on and download their donations statements for a specific period. Alternatively, the centre publishes monthly, quarterly, and annual reports on its website for people to access information. It also holds a monthly press conference dabbed “THE UMMAH MUST KNOW SERIES” where it throws more light on the reports and other activities of the centre, and also avail itself for questioning by members of the fund. The press conference is carried Facebook live and links shared across the website and the Centre’s Facebook page.